Pop-Up Cards

From the Giving Series

If this seems intimidating – have no fear! I always assumed pop-ups would involve lots of complicated measuring and “math-ing,” but was psyched to discover it’s actually not that hard to make something that looks impressive.

Art Challenge

Time At least 30 minutes
You Need: cardstock (heavy paper), scissors, tape, glue

What to do

  1. If you don’t know how to create pop-ups watch these two videos. They are super basic and the only techniques I used to make my examples.
  2. Think of someone you want to make a card for and what kind of card you want to make. Maybe a Halloween card, a birthday card, or just a “You’re awesome” card.
  3. Draw and cut some decorative elements for your card (a ghost, the person’s favorite animal, some abstract shapes, etc.)
  4. Create a few V-folds and glue your elements onto the different sides of the “V”.
    • You can add whatever shapes you want to the different sides of the V-folds and you don’t have to worry about them hitting each other. Pretty awesome!
    • Here’s how I made my card by adding elements to the sides of just two V-folds.
    • halloween

    • The main thing you have to check for is that none of your shapes extend past the card when you close it (unless you want them to).
    • You can also use the V-folds as decorative elements themselves since the top of your V’s can be any shape you want. Here’s an example of hearts as the V-folds.
    • hearts

  5. Add any other details and words to finish it off.
  6. Optional (and awesome!): Share your card on instagram with #makeartlifepopup so we can all enjoy it!
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Life Challenge

Gift your card and feel great about using your creative powers to make someone else feel special and appreciated!

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